Join us on one of the following dates to see if this ministry is a place for you to serve.
Tuesday 1/10 at 6:30 pm or Sunday 1/15 at 3pm. Meet in the Friendship Room.
Join us as Pastor Mac shares his vision for this ministry area. The purpose of Guest Services is to have a team of individuals, who come together, and are present and attentive creating a welcoming environment, meeting the needs of all who come through the doors of First Baptist Church Augusta.
Areas to serve are: Ushers and Greeters, Coffee Corner, and Information Desk. Qualifications are a
willingness to serve based on your schedule and a warm smile.
Please let Bess Smith know if you are interested in attending at bsmith@fbcaugustaks.org or 316-775-5466 x 115.
Hope to see you at one of these meetings.