
The First Baptist Church

Augusta, Kansas


We, the members of the First Baptist Church of Augusta, Kansas, in order to promote the Gospel of Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, hereby subscribe to the following Articles of Faith and this Constitution.  The following Articles of Faith reflect the core beliefs of our church.

Articles of Faith 

A.     One True God

We believe in one true God who is infinite, all knowing, everywhere present, all-powerful, the creator of heaven and earth, inexpressibly glorious in holiness, and worthy of all possible honor. In the unity of the Godhead there are three persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, who execute distinct but harmonious offices in the work of redemption. (Genesis 1:1-2; Deuteronomy 6:4; Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 28:19; John 1:1-14, 5:26, 14:6-13; Galatians 4:4-6; Ephesians 1:13-14; 1 John 5:6-7)

B.      Fall of Man

Man was created in the image of God, but by voluntary transgression rebelled against Him and thus has fallen under God’s judgment. Man inherited this sinful nature since his fall and is in absolute need of a Savior. Those who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and are unrepentant will be judged by God in His perfect judgment and doomed to eternal punishment. (Genesis 1:26, 3:1-24; Romans 3:23, 5:12, 19; Revelation 20:11-15)

C.     Way of Salvation

Although man openly transgressed the laws of God, the Lord put into effect a plan of redemption through Christ’s voluntary action to suffer death as punishment for man’s sin even though He himself was sinless. Salvation of sinners is wholly by God’s grace.  Salvation can be experienced only by confession and repentance of sin, by simple faith accepting the free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ.  Once a person is “born again,” he or she is forgiven of sin, is justified in God’s sight, receives the Holy Spirit, and becomes a child of God. (John 1:12; Acts 2:38; II Corinthians 7:10, 3:3; Ephesians 2:8-9)

D.     Believer’s Baptism

Baptism is a testimony of one’s salvation through Christ and is only for believers. Baptism is a symbol of the death and burial of the old sinful nature and the birth of the new forgiven child of God. As Baptists, we believe immersion is the true way of illustrating “the New Birth” as taught in the New Testament. (Matthew 3:16; Mark 1:9-11, 16:16; John 3:23; Acts 8:12-13, 36-39, 18:8; Romans 6:4; Colossians 2:12)

E.      The Lordship of Jesus Christ

Christ, the Son of God, was born of a virgin, walked on the earth, died on the cross, was buried, and rose the third day for the salvation of all mankind. Christ alone is our Savior and Lord and the ultimate authority in all matters of life and faith for the believer. (Matthew 1:18-23, 3:17, 11:27, 14:33, 16:16, 28:1-6, 18; Mark 1:1; John 11:25-27; Acts 2:22-24, 7:55-56; Romans 1:3-4, 3:23-26; Colossians 1:13-18; Philippians 2:9-11)

F.       Supremacy of the Scriptures

The Bible is the revelation of God’s Eternal Truth. It can be read and understood by all mankind with guidance of the Holy Spirit.  The Bible has been given to us by the inspiration of God and is the supreme standard by which all human conduct, creeds, and opinions shall be tried. (II Timothy 3:14-17; Hebrews 4:12; II Peter 1:19-21)

G.      Church Membership

The membership of the Church is only for those who have confessed Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. A person is baptized as a testimony of that experience. (Matthew 10:32-33; Acts 2:47, 16:30-34; Romans 10:9-10)

H.     Priesthood of Believers

Every believer can directly approach God through Christ without the aid of human priests. (Ephesians 2:18; Hebrews 4:14-16, 7:26-27; I Peter 2:5; Revelations 1:5-6)

I.        Christ-like Living

Jesus Christ has not only come to save us but has also called each believer to a “holy calling” through the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Each member must seek to live a life worthy of that calling through faith and obedience to Christ. All believers must strive to perfect their faith so that the love of Jesus may abound in their hearts while the Holy Spirit guides, instructs, disciplines, and enables each individual believer to partake of God’s holiness. Living our “holy calling” is a progressive act that begins at conversion and continues until God calls believers home to heaven. (II Timothy 1:9; Ephesians 4:1; II Thessalonians 1:11; II Peter 1:5-8; Philippians 1:6, 2:12-13)

J.        Separation of Church and State

We believe in the separation of Church and State, and we recognize the First Amendment of the United States Constitution.

The State should protect all religious groups but favor none. The Church must not dictate to the State or the State to the Church. (Mark 12:17; Romans 13:1-7; John 18:36; I Peter 2:12-17)

K.      Autonomy of the Local Church

Each local Church is self-governing and shall be democratic and autonomous in its government. Each local Church will choose its own Pastor and manage its own affairs. (Acts 14:23, 20:28; Titus 1:5; I Peter 5:2)

L.       The Lord’s Supper

The Lord’s Supper is a sacred ordinance. In symbolic form, through the elements of the bread and the cup, it depicts the death of Christ and the shedding of His blood for the remission of our sins. According to Scripture, the practice of this ordinance is preceded by a time of self-examination. (I Corinthians 11:26-30)

M.    Evangelism of the World

Our Church takes seriously the Great Commission of Christ. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, our purpose as a Church and as individuals shall be to win people to Christ at home and abroad. (Matthew 28:18-20)

N.      Second Coming

We believe in the personal return of Jesus Christ to receive His believers into heaven and eternal life. The time of His return is unknown to us but may occur at any moment. (Matthew 25:31-36; I Thessalonians 4:13-18)

O.     The Church Covenant

A Covenant is an agreement between two or more persons. The Covenant of First Baptist Church of Augusta, Kansas shall be The New Testament.

P.      Marriage

The word “marriage” is limited to those legal unions which are between one biological man (the “husband”) and one biological woman (the “wife”). Unions of other gender combinations are not recognized as marriages. “Biological” man or woman refers to a person’s gender at birth. Gender is considered immutable, regardless of whether a person’s body has been physically or chemically altered to gain the appearance of the other gender. The word “wedding” means the worship service in which a marriage is solemnized and celebrated and does not include ceremonies which may meet the requirements for civil unions but do not involve a marriage as defined above. It is our conviction that it is God who has instituted marriage, that God has done so only in the context of a relationship between one biological man and one biological woman, and that as a matter of fidelity to our faith, the Church will not participate in, nor put its approval upon, unions that may be legally accepted but are not marriages as defined above.  (Genesis 1:26-28, 2:18-25; Matthew 19:1-12; Mark 10:1-12; I Corinthians 6:12-20; Ephesians 5:21-33)

Article I - Name

The name of this Church shall be “The First Baptist Church of Augusta, Kansas.”  The beginning of this Church was January 9, 1869. This Corporation was duly organized under the Laws of Kansas on the 27th day of May 1875.

Article II - Purpose

A.      The purpose of this Church is the advancement of the Gospel of Christ and His Kingdom.

B.      By the aid of the Holy Spirit, this Church seeks to accomplish this end through public worship of God, preaching of the Gospel, consistent Christian living, personal evangelism, missionary endeavor, and Christian education.

C.       The Church is an instrument by which one’s faith in Christ can grow.

Article III - Governance

The ultimate authority for all decisions and actions of this Church rests with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The congregation, which is the body of members who compose this Church, is responsible to God for the governance of the Church.

Section 1. Deacons
The congregation approves individual members to serve as Deacons who, in concert with the senior pastor, determine the vision and direction for the Church through God’s Word in the Bible and through prayer.

A.      Composition & Qualifications

1.       The Deacons include 8 – 12 members who serve up to two consecutive three-year terms and who select their chairman, vice chairman, and secretary annually.  A Deacon may serve again after a one-year hiatus.

2.       A Deacon is a man who must be at least 25 years old and must have been an active member of the church for the full year prior to selection. He must also conform to the qualifications described in Acts 6:3-4 and I Timothy 3:1-13.

3.       The Senior Pastor may serve as a non-voting ex officio member, except in matters relating to his own evaluation.

B.      Responsibilities

1.       The Deacons provide vision and leadership for the Church and for the future growth of its mission and ministries.

2.       The Deacons assist the Pastoral Staff in worship services, including the Ordinances of Communion and Baptism as well as prayers. In the event that any Staff Member or Lay-Leader is unable to serve in their respective capacities, the Deacons provide Interim Staff and Lay-Leaders as needed.

3.       The Deacons are responsible to approve admission of new members and dismissal of out-going members. They are also to maintain a list of all Church members, including whether each member is active.

4.       The Deacons administer a Benevolence Fund on behalf of the Church.

5.       The Deacons handle Church discipline issues through the principles described in Matthew 18:15-17.

6.       The Deacons establish goals and objectives each year for each Pastoral Staff member in conjunction with the Members and the Senior Pastor. The Deacons conduct an evaluation at least annually of each Pastor, based on the established goals and objectives.

7.       The Deacons develop and manage the budget assigned for their responsibilities.

8.       The Deacons select one Deacon to serve as a voting member of the Implementation Team and one Deacon to serve as a voting member of the Nominating Team.

Section 2. Implementation Team
The congregation approves individual members to serve on the Implementation Team which is responsible for implementing the vision and direction provided by the Deacons.

A.      Composition & Qualifications

1.       The Implementation Team includes 4 - 6 members who serve up to two consecutive three-year terms and who select their chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary annually. A member may serve again after a one-year hiatus. A Deacon and a voting member of the Finance Team also serve as Voting Members but may not be officers.

2.       Each Implementation Team member must be at least 25 years old and must have been an active member of the church for the full year prior to selection and must not be serving on any Core Team.

3.       The Senior Pastor and the Moderator may serve as non-voting ex officio members.

B.      Responsibilities

1.       The Implementation Team provides organization, coordination, and oversight of the Core Teams to implement the vision provided by the Deacons.

2.       The Implementation Team maintains a manual of policies and procedures covering the day-to-day operations of the Core Teams.

3.       The Implementation Team recommends Constitutional amendments to the church body for approval.

4.       The Implementation Team sets a threshold for Core Team decisions that it must approve for items of high, non-budgeted cost and/or of significant congregational impact.

5.       The Implementation Team reviews a proposed annual budget and presents it for congregational approval at the final business meeting of the year.

Section 3. Core Teams
The congregation approves individual members to serve on the Core Teams which are responsible for specific portions of the Church’s ministries and missions. The Core Teams include Deaconesses, Discipleship, Finance, Facilities, Missions, and Nominations.

A.      Composition & Qualifications

1.       Each Core Team includes 4 - 8 members who serve up to two consecutive three-year terms and who select their chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary annually. A member may serve again after a one-year hiatus. The following exceptions apply to various teams:

a.        The Deaconesses include 8 – 12 members.

b.       The Discipleship Team also includes all pastoral staff members, who may not serve as team officers and may not vote, and the Sunday School Superintendent.

c.        The Finance Team also includes the Operations Officer and the Financial Secretary, who serve as non-voting members.

d.       The Facilities Team also includes the Operations Officer, who serves as a non-voting member.

e.        The Nominating Team includes 3 – 4 members in addition to a representative of the Deacons.

2.       Each Core Team member must be at least 18 years old and must have been an active member of the church for the full year prior to selection. Each team chairperson must be at least 25 years of age.

3.       The Senior Pastor may serve, or may appoint an associate pastor to serve, as a non-voting ex officio member of each Core Team.

B.      Responsibilities

1.       The Deaconesses are responsible for service and hospitality ministries. Their tasks include:

a.        Providing input and support to the Deacons as the Deacons lead the church.

b.       Preparing for communion, baptismal, and baby dedication services.

c.        Facilitating church anniversary celebrations, receptions, funeral dinners, and seasonal and special social events.

d.       Developing and managing the budget assigned for their responsibilities.

2.       The Discipleship Team is responsible for Christian education and outreach for adults, youth, children, and families, and for the non-pastoral aspects of the worship services. Their tasks include:

a.        Promoting Sunday School, small groups, and other ministries for all age groups, and selecting, training, and evaluating leaders to promote and manage them.

b.       Developing outreach programs, both to bring in new members and to support members who cannot attend worship services and other Church activities.

c.        Assuring support for worship services.

d.       Supporting the Church’s Christian Life Center ministries.

e.        Developing and managing the budget assigned for their responsibilities.

3.       The Finance Team is responsible for the financial health of the Church, including overseeing financial record keeping and reporting. Their tasks include:

a.        Developing procedures for maintaining the financial integrity of the Church, including record keeping and reporting as needed or required by law.

b.       Assuring that the Operations Officer performs all tasks required by law to maintain the Church’s tax-exempt status as an IRS 501(c)(3) organization.

c.        Supporting other teams as they develop and manage their budgets.

d.       Developing the annual church budget and presenting it to the Implementation Team for the review and approval process.

e.        Developing and managing the budget assigned for their responsibilities.

f.         Supplying one voting member to serve as a voting member of the Implementation Team.

4.       The Facilities Team has responsibility for all Church property. Their tasks include:

a.        Assuring that all Church property is adequately maintained, insured, improved, and as appropriate, disposed of, as needed for Church purposes and/or to conform to state and local laws and ordinances.

b.       Establish procedures for facility usage by member and non-member groups.

c.        Developing and managing the budget assigned for their responsibilities.

5.       The Missions Team is responsible to promote a culture of mission outreach within the Church. Their tasks include:

a.        Developing and promoting mission awareness and participation.

b.       Administering the Missions budget, including an annual review of all mission programs the Church supports.

6.       The Nominations Team has responsibility to recommend members to fill positions on the teams. Their tasks include recruiting members and presenting recommendations to the congregation for confirmation.


Section 4. Authority

A.      Operating Procedures

Each team develops and maintains procedures to govern the tasks for which they are responsible. These procedures are collected by the Implementation Team and are to be made available for viewing by any member of the congregation.

B.      Items Requiring Congregational Authorization

The following items require congregational approval:

1.       Hiring and/or dismissing the senior and associate pastors.

2.       Buying and/or selling property.

3.       Joining and/or leaving a denomination or other association of congregations.

4.       Approving and/or modifying a budget.

5.       Taking on debt.

6.       Changing the Constitution.

7.       Approving Deacons and members of the Implementation and Core Teams.

8.       Any issue the Deacons and/or the Implementation Team wishes to bring to the congregation.

9.       Any issue the congregation desires, as indicated by a petition signed by at least 25 active members and presented to the Deacons or to the Church Moderator.

Article IV - Membership

Section 1. Admission of Members
Any person who has confessed Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and followed that confession with baptism by immersion may be received into membership by any of the following methods, subject to approval by the Deacons:

A.      Baptism by Immersion

Following profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and after proper instruction, those being baptized are eligible to be received into the Church’s membership.

B.      Letter of Transfer

A member from another Church may unite with this Church upon presentation of a letter of transfer, evidence of their profession of faith in Jesus Christ, and baptism by immersion, and by their allegiance to this body in Christ.

C.       Christian Experience

Any person who has been baptized by immersion and who once was a member of a Church of like faith and order but cannot obtain a letter of transfer, may, upon statement of his or her Christian experience, and giving satisfactory evidence of their faith in Christ, be received into membership.

D.      Restoration

Any person who has been excluded from membership may be restored by vote of the membership after giving evidence of change and renewed commitment to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and adherence to Christian principles.

Section 2. Dismissal of Members
Church membership may be withdrawn or revoked by the following methods, each subject to approval by the Deacons:

A.      Letter of Transfer or Release

Any member who requests a letter of transfer to another Church of like faith and order may receive it. The letter so requested is to be sent to the receiving Church in care of the Pastor or Clerk. A member wishing to unite with a Church of different faith and order may be issued a statement of release.

B.      Withdrawal

A member wishing to withdraw from membership of the Church may make a written request to the Deacons asking that their name be dropped from the membership. The Deacons, after proper investigation, may make such a decision, and the requesting member is to be notified in writing of the action.

C.       Exclusion

Should any member become an offense to the Gospel of Christ and the Church, by reason of immoral or unchristian conduct or by consistent breach of Christian principles, the Church may, after proper investigation and recommendation by the Deacons, terminate their membership but only after faithful efforts have been made to bring such member to repentance and restoration.

Section 3. Membership Status
Church members may be regarded as “active” or “inactive” based on the following criteria:

A.      Active

Members who regularly attend worship services or Sunday School or who support the Church financially shall be listed as “active” members.

B.      Inactive

Members not in compliance with the above guidelines may be listed as “inactive” by the Deacons. Their names will be kept for the record, and every effort shall be made by responsible leaders of the Church to restore such members to active participation.

C.       Exceptions

A member with an extended illness, college enrollment, or military service will remain listed as “active” unless that member requests otherwise.

Section 4. Duties and Rights
Church members have the following duties and rights:

A.      Attendance and Expectations

Members are expected to be faithful in all scriptural duties essential to the Christian life, to attend faithfully the services of the Church, to support it with their tithes and offerings, and to share their talents and spiritual gifts for the spread of the Gospel and the edification of the Church.

B.      Voting Rights

All active members who are 16 years of age and over have equal voting rights.

C.       Right to Participate

All active members are eligible for service on boards and committees of the Church and to teach Sunday School and have the right to bring matters of concern before the Church at any business meeting, except those called for specific purposes.

D.      Property Rights

Members of this Church have no property rights and upon termination of membership are entitled to no interest in Church assets.

Article V - Named Positions and Officers

Section 1. Named Positions
The Church is served by the following positions:

A.      Unpaid Positions

1.       The Moderator is an active member who is nominated annually by the Nominations Team and approved by the congregation for a one-year, renewable term. He or she conducts Church business meetings and is a non-voting ex officio member of the Implementation Team.

2.       The Church Clerk is an active member who is nominated annually by the Nominations Team and approved by the congregation for a one-year, renewable term. He or she maintains minutes of Church business meetings and prepares letters of membership and dismissal.

3.       The Sunday School Superintendent is an active member who is nominated annually by the Nominations Team and approved by the congregation for a one-year, renewable term. He or she is responsible to recruit and train regular and substitute Sunday School teachers, to coordinate room allocations with the Facilities Core Team, to order Sunday School materials as requested, and to monitor attendance.

B.      Paid Positions

1.       The Operations Officer is hired and evaluated at least annually by the Finance Core Team and the senior Pastor to serve as the Business Manager for the Church. He or she manages the budget, pays the bills, reports on performance to budget, and performs other tasks as assigned. He or she reports to the senior Pastor.

2.       The Church Secretary is hired and evaluated at least annually by the Implementation Team and the senior Pastor to serve as the Office Manager for the Church. He or she performs secretarial tasks for the pastor(s), prepares church communications, maintains church records, serves as a focal for facilities usage requests, and performs other tasks as assigned. He or she reports to the senior Pastor.

3.       The Financial Secretary is hired and evaluated at least annually by the Finance Team and the senior Pastor. He or she receives, records, and deposits all church income, and makes monthly reports available to the Operating Officer and annual reports to the donors. He or she reports to the Finance Core Team.

Section 2. Corporate Governance
For legal purposes only, the Church assigns these corporate officers:

A. Corporate Officers

1.       President

The Moderator serves as the corporation president.

2.       First Vice-President

The Chairman of the Deacons serves as the first vice-president.

3.       Second Vice-President

The chairperson of the Finance Core Team serves as the second vice-president.

4.       Secretary

The Church Clerk serves as the secretary of the corporation.

B.  Corporate Board of Directors
For legal purposes only, the Church assigns these corporate board of directors:

1.       Corporate Officers

The offices designated in Section 2.A (Corporate Officers)

2.       Governance (Core) Team Chairs

The chair of Governance teams. The teams include Implementation, Deaconesses, Discipleship, Facilities, Missions, and Nominations.

3.      Additional Representatives from Deacons and Finance

Two additional representatives, one from each of the following: Deacons and Finance Core Team.

4.       At Large Members

There will be three at large members. Pastor, Associate Pastor, Operations Director.


Section 3. Succession

A.      In the temporary absence of the Church Moderator, the chairperson of the Implementation Team assumes these duties, or if necessary, the vice chairperson of the Implementation Team may act as Moderator.

B.      If the Church Moderator resigns or is incapacitated, the chairperson of the Implementation Team fills in until a new Church Moderator is approved by the congregation.

Section 4. Additional Positions

The Implementation Team has the authority to add paid and non-paid non-pastoral positions, on recommendation of the Senior Pastor, as the needs arise, with any necessary budget changes subject to congregational approval. These persons will be hired and evaluated at least annually by the Core Team associated with their responsibilities and the Senior Pastor.

Article VI - Pastoral Staff

Section 1.  Senior Pastor

A.      The Senior Pastor preaches the Gospel, administers the Ordinances, watches over the membership, and has in his charge the spiritual welfare of the Church in close association and concert with the Deacons. He carries out these duties in the spirit of leadership and cooperation with prayer.

B.      As Senior Pastor, he is responsible for the leadership and coordination of the Staff with advice and counsel from the Deacons and the Implementation Team.

C.       He is a non-voting ex officio member of the Deacons, the Implementation Team, and the Core Teams, and of the church’s auxiliary organizations. He may attend meetings at his discretion or as requested.

D.      He is responsible to the Church as the supervisor of all paid and unpaid staff, except that Associate Pastors can only be dismissed per Section 3, below.

E.       He is responsible to assure that Church Pastors, Staff, and/or Deacons only participate in an official capacity in weddings inside of the parameters specified in the Articles of Faith statement on Marriage, and that only weddings inside those parameters may be performed or solemnized on church property.

Section 2.    Calling a Senior Pastor

A.      When the Senior Pastorate falls vacant, the congregation elects a Pulpit Committee of six members and selects its chairperson.

B.      This Pulpit Committee takes the necessary steps to secure a Senior Pastor.

C.       Primary consideration is to be given to his personal relationship in Jesus Christ and his call to be a Minister of the Gospel. The Senior Pastor is to be a regularly ordained Baptist Minister.

D.      The Committee also investigates the merits of each candidate under consideration in regard to his personal character, education, ministerial record, preaching ability.

E.       When a suitable candidate is found, the Committee, after reaching unanimity, recommends him to the Church for consideration and does so only one candidate at a time.

F.       A Pastor is to be called at a special business meeting held for this purpose; notice of this meeting must be given at least two weeks in advance.

G.      A three-fourths majority of the qualified voters present is needed to extend a call.

H.      Voting is to be by written ballot.

Section 3.    Termination of a Senior or Associate Pastor

A.      Any Pastor may terminate his Pastoral relationship with the Church by means of a thirty-day written notice to the Chairman of the Deacons.

B.      Active members of the congregation who propose the termination of a Pastor may present their case to the Deacons and request a business meeting for that purpose.

C.       The pastoral relationship may be terminated by the congregation only at a special business meeting called for such a purpose.

D.      At the discretion of the Deacons, a meeting may be called by the Deacons, giving written notice to each active member of the congregation at least two weeks prior to the meeting.

E.       A three-fourths majority of those present is needed for termination with thirty days’ notice given to the Pastor.

F.       Voting is to be by written ballot.

Section 4.    Associate Pastoral Staff

A.      As the Church grows and the need arises, the Church may add part-time and/or full-time pastoral staff.

B.      Upon recommendation of the Deacons and the Senior Pastor, the Implementation Team will propose new Associate Pastor positions to the congregation.

C.       A search committee determined by the congregation accomplishes the search for an Associate Pastor.

D.      The search committee investigates the merits of each candidate on the basis of their character, education, recommendations, and suitability of personal skills for that particular position.

E.       The congregation determines whether to call the new Associate Pastor at a special business meeting for which two-weeks’ advance notice is given. Voting is by written ballot. A three-fourths majority vote of the qualified voters present is needed to hire the candidate.

Article VII - Auxiliary Organizations

A.      Not-for-profit organizations outside the Church that enhance a worthy cause for the Church and its outreach to the community are designated Auxiliary organizations.

B.      Auxiliary organizations work with the Church and are in agreement with its Articles of Faith.  Auxiliary organizations may develop their own constitutions and/or by-laws and guidelines to be approved by the Implementation Team or appropriate Core Team.

C.       Auxiliary organizations establish their own budgets and guidelines, and may raise funds toward meeting their expenses, including long-range plans, but not for profit.

D.      Failure to work with the Church may be cause for disbanding the relationship.

E.       Auxiliary organizations engage their own staff. All personnel on the level of a director, professional counselor, or administrator must be approved by the Implementation Team or appropriate Core Team.

Article VIII - Worship

A.      The Senior Pastor and the Deacons direct the times and places of worship services.

B.      No Church business may be discussed or transacted in a worship service, other than brief announcements of meetings or opportunities.

C.       The Lord’s Supper is observed as designated by the Deacons.

D.      Other special worship services and evangelistic meetings may be scheduled by the Pastoral Staff and the Deacons.

Article IX - Finances

A.      Finances for conducting the work of this Church are obtained through tithes, offerings, and income from investments.

B.      The annual church budget is compiled by the Finance team with input from the other Core Teams and accepted by the Implementation Team before being presented to the congregation for final approval.

C.       Freewill offerings may be taken only when approved by the Implementation Team.

D.      No entertainment, suppers or bazaars, or other money-raising projects shall be held by the Church for profit. Christian Life Center events and programs are expected to meet all requirements for maintaining the Church’s nonprofit status with the IRS.

E.       All fundraising projects must be approved by the Implementation Team.

Article X - Business Meetings

Section 1.    Annual Business Meetings

An annual business meeting for the adoption of the Church budget and approval of the Moderator, Church Clerk, Sunday School Superintendent, Deacons, and Core Team members is held each November. Should the church be in an ERM active period (see Article XI), during the third or fourth quarter of the year, the annual business meeting may be rescheduled by the ERM Team.

Section 2.    Business Meetings

A.      Business meetings may be conducted face-to-face at any location, virtually, digitally, or by any means available where each member can be identified, receive communication, and communicate for themselves in a real-time setting. Examples include members in cars in a parking lot, or an online meeting platform where members sign in and are live participants.

B.      Business meetings may be called at any time by the Deacons or the Implementation Team, or by the Moderator on receipt of a petition per Article III, Section 4.B.9.  At least two Church business meetings must be held every year.

C.       Notice of each meeting and its purpose must be given from the pulpit two weeks prior to the day of the meeting and via all reasonable means of communication. The requirement for two weeks prior notice may be waived by the ERM team during an ERM Active Period. The purpose of the meeting will be communicated with as much notice as possible, and by every means reasonably available. Emergency circumstances may dictate an emergency meeting.

Section 3.    Procedure

A.      The Deacons and/or Implementation Team provide the agenda for each meeting.

B.      Unless otherwise specified, a quorum for the transaction of Church business is the number of active members attending the duly called and publicized meeting.

C.       The Moderator conducts the business meetings following the provided agenda as a non-partisan, non-voting facilitator. The Moderator may vote in calling a pastor.

D.      Business meetings are conducted according to Robert’s Rules of Order. Unless otherwise specified, a simple majority vote is required to pass a motion.

E.        Communication during the meeting may be by any means available, so long as participants can receive and send communication. The methods of communication may be mixed, e.g., hearing over a loud=speaker or radio, and submitting a vote on pater through a car window.

F.       Voting will remain “live,” i.e., no absentee or mail-in voting will be allowed. Both may be submitted in any way that coincides with the method(s) of communication and the format of the meeting, Examples may include show of hand, paper, verbal, private message in a virtual platform, and so on.

Section 4.    Restrictions

A.      No Church business may be transacted anytime other than at a business meeting except as provided for in this Constitution.

B.      No absentee or proxy ballots are allowed for voting at Church business meetings.


 Article XI – Emergency Response Management (ERM)

Section 1. Supersession

A.       During an active period, (see Section 3), this article will supersede any other articles where a conflict(s) exists.

Section 2. The Emergency Response Management Team (“the team”)

A.       The team will consist of the Deacons, Pastoral and Directorial Staff, Moderator, and Chairs of all Core Teams who are officially serving in those capacities at the time of the emergency and surrounding events. They should be locally available, not incapacitated, and willing to serve on the team.

                                                   i.      The inability or declination of any member to serve on the team shall not impede or stop the remaining members from acting in the full capacity of the team.

                                                 ii.      The team may ask other people to join or assist the team in any capacity as needed during an active period.

B.       The team will make decisions and resolve conflicts during ERM active periods. The team will not make decisions constitutionally requiring a congregational vote, e.g., borrowing money or hiring/terminating pastors.

C.       The team may appoint lead person(s) to handle functions such as communications, coordination of team activities, team business, and other tasks or functions as necessary.

D.      For the business of the ERM Team, meeting and/or voting may include any means of communication available, e.g., face-to-face, virtual, electronic messaging, etc., so long as the team member can be identified and communicate for themselves. (No proxy voting is allowed.)

1.       A quorum for this vote will be all team members willing and available to serve.

2.       A simple majority will approve the activation.

E.       Minutes will be kept of all ERM team meetings and maintained in the church office similarly to Core Team meeting minutes.

Section 3. Activation and Active Periods

A.       In a time of emergency, the ERM Team will vote to activate this ERM article, and an active period will begin. Any member of the ERM Team may call for a vote to begin an active period.

B.       ERM may only be activated during a period when the church cannot conduct business according to the constitution. (Examples may include natural disasters, pandemics, local outbreaks, property damage to the church facility, and so on).

C.       ERM active status will expire every 4 weeks and must be reapproved by the ERM Team to continue. ERM may be cancelled prior to any 4-week expiration if the ERM Team deems active status is no longer necessary.

Section 4. Congregational Business Meetings

A.       Business meetings should be avoided if possible, during an ERM active period. If a business meeting must take place during an active period, this section will apply.

B.       Annual Business Meeting – should the church be in an ERM active period during the third quarter of the year, the annual business meeting may be rescheduled by the ERM Team. (Does not have to take place in November).

C.       Business meetings may be conducted face-to-face at any location, virtually, digitally, or by any means available where each member can be identified, receive communication, and communicate for themselves in a real-time setting. Another example may include members in cars in a parking lot.

D.      The requirement for two weeks’ notice prior to a business meeting may be waived. The purpose of the meeting will be communicated with as much notice as possible, and by every means reasonably available. Emergency circumstances may dictate an emergency meeting.

E.       Unless otherwise specified, a quorum will be the number of active members participating in the meeting as described in paragraph C. above.

F.       Communication during the meeting may be by any means available, so long as participants can receive and send communication. The methods of communication may be mixed, e.g., hearing over a loud-speaker or radio, and submitting a vote on paper through a car window.

G.       Voting will remain “live,” i.e., no absentee or mail-in voting will be allowed. Votes may be submitted in any way that coincides with the method(s) of communication and the format of the meeting. Examples may include paper, verbal, private message in a virtual platform, and so on.

Section 5. Pastoral Staff

Pastoral staff shall not be hired or terminated during an ERM active period. If a pastor or other staff member, or member of church leadership should become incapacitated during an active period, the Deacons will secure interim staff and leadership as needed, in the spirit of Article III, Section 1.B.

Article XII - Amendements

Section 1.    Amending the Constitution

A.      This Constitution may be amended at any business meeting of the Church by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting. Printed copies of the proposed change(s) must be made available to the congregation and notice of the changes must be provided by all reasonable means at least two weeks prior to the meeting. Additionally, notice of the business meeting must be given from the pulpit in each Sunday morning worship service for two weeks prior to the meeting and must include a brief description of the change(s).

B.      All Amendments to this Constitution are to be listed in Section 2, below.

Section 2.    Amendments

The following amendments have been made to this Constitution. [Note:  To record an amendment, change the text in the Constitution itself, and insert a description of the change at the top of the following list, including its date of enactment, the Article(s) and Section(s) affected, and a copy of any text the amendment removes or replaces.]