
Spiritual formation is a lifelong process…

Learning and growing in a relationship to God can transform our relationships with others, with ourselves, and with all creation! At First Baptist Church, we give special attention to supporting faith and learning during the many demanding phases of adulthood and family life. We strive to take a “whole person” approach to lifelong learning, seeking to connect the head, heart, and hands of all adults to the ongoing work of faith, while at the same time fostering friendships within our church family.


Starting Tuesday, March 4th, at 6:30pm Call Brent Leedom for details. 316-209-5952

Topics Include:

Getting out of debt • Spending • Saving and Investing • Budgeting • Giving

Women’s Ministry

  • The purpose of Women's Ministry is to bring clarity to the role and purpose of women.

  • Our goal is to build and maintain healthy relationships and promote spiritual growth through unity and love.

  • Our mission is to encourage unity and fellowship and to bring wholeness and balance to the lives of women by ministering to their mind, body and spirit.

    Together, we can challenge and encourage women to use their God given talents to grow in Christ and fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.

Men’s Ministry

Friday Morning Bible Study

Join us from 6-7 am.

Meet in the Friendship Room. All men in the community welcome. ⠀


9:45 am on Sunday Morning


John Price

All Ages: Upstairs Rm 305

Studying Genesis


Wendell Corneil, Ted

McMurphy, and Bill Wallace

Seniors: Main Level Rm 205

Studying Old & New Testament


Zach Wilkerson

Seniors: Main Level Rm 211

Studying Peter


Class Led

Married/Single Young Adults 30+

Upstairs Rm 306

Right Now Media


Steve Duncan

Young Seniors Main Level Rm


Studying Chiseled by the Master’s Hand


Charles Klassen

All Ages in Friendship Rm

Studying 2 Peter


Jesse Rider

Married Couples

Upstairs Rm 301

Studying ‘For the Health of the Nation’


Richard & Evan Stumpf

All ages Upstairs Rm 308

Studying ‘None Like Him’


Mac Martin

Ages 18-30

Upstairs Rm 304

Scripture Discussion


Ed Kittle

All ages

Main Level Rm 206/208

Studying Bible, Lifestone Press

FBC Fellowship Groups

Call the church office if you would like to be added to any of the following groups for updates from the point person or to start a new one! 316-775-5466

  • Ceramic Painting: Bess Smith—Friday’s 3-6 PM, at You’re Fired in Andover, 301 W Central, Ste 100. Pay per piece and come as often as you like. 

  • Dining: Mike Todd— Meets monthly to dine out as a group. Call the church office to add your name to the email list for updates.

  • Hiking: Brian Smith—Meets occasionally for various hiking activities.

  • Sewing for a Cause: Susan Appleman— Friendship Room. Meets to sew special mission-oriented projects. To participate, call the church office to sign up in advance.

  • Walking: Sharon Slade—Meets to walk together at various location, days, and times.

 Sign up sheets are still available in the church lobby.