AWANA is collecting nonperishable food items for the Augusta Caring Center during the month of March.  You can leave your donations on the table in the lobby on the T&T or Sparks side of the table as the two groups are competing to see who has the most pounds of food donated. 

Thank you!

Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
— Mark 10:13

At First Baptist, we place high value on our children.  We believe they are a big part of the church today and a very important part of our future.  Whether you are checking out our Sunday morning service or joining our Wednesday evening programs, we are so glad you are here!

When you visit, please fill out a connect card so we can have your best contact information on file.  Greeters can help direct you to classroom locations.

We invite kids to join their guardians for worship before joining the Pastor on stage for a Children’s Message.  Then kids are dismissed to attend Kids Connect, a time of bible study and activities according to their age.

Now you can check your kids in easily via the app on your phone, or at our lobby check-in stations.

To make things smoother, please sign up before Sunday morning—this will speed up check-in! At pickup, simply match your sticker with your child’s to ensure a safe release.

We appreciate your patience as we get everyone comfortable with the system. Let’s make Sunday safer and more organized!


At First Baptist Church, nothing is more important to us than the safety and security of your children.  That’s why we’ve chosen KidCheck as our children’s check-in solution to bring you the best check-in experience and to allow us to partner with you to keep your children safe.

It is important you create your account prior to this date. 

If you haven’t already created your free account, please do so by going to and selecting “Create Your KidCheck Account”. Or download the KidCheck Mobile App from the App Store or Google Play Store to create, manage, and update your account right on your mobile device.

Create your account from the comfort of home; it’s simple and will only take a few minutes.  Creating your account prior to the above date helps us have a smooth transition and helps your first check-in go more quickly so you can get on your way. 

Once you’ve created your account, simply use your 10 digit phone number to check-in with us.

Additionally, we’re excited to share we will be using KidCheck Express Check-In, which allows you to check-in right from your own phone – no waiting in line, no check-in station! You will need to check in for the first time with your 10 digit phone number at a check-in station. Then after that you can use Express Check-In, using these few simple steps:

  1. Download the KidCheck App (as noted above)

  2. Start check-in on your phone – from home, the car, the parking lot…

  3. Complete check-in upon arrival by tapping the green submit button on your phone. 

  4. Pick up your printed name tag and guardian receipt labels

Thank you for your participation.

Wanda Partin
Children’s Ministry Director

Sunday Morning Children’s Ministry

Sunday School:  9:45 am

  • Opening time begins in Room 19 (All Ages)

Transition To:

Pre-K & Kindergarten Class Room 21

1st & 2nd Grades Class Room 16

3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades Class Room 15

Nursery available at 9:45 am & 11 am (0-3 years. RM 13)

8:30 am Worship:

NO Nursery available.

9:45 am

Nursery is available (0-3 years. RM 13)

11 am Worship:

Nursery is available (0-3 years. RM 13)

Kids Connect: Dismissed from 11 am Worship

PreK-5th Grade: Opening time in Room 19


The First Baptist Church Nursery is for children from birth to 3 years old and is available during Sunday School classes, Worship Services, and can be requested during special functions or events.

Nursery ages 0-3 years at 9:45 and 11am.

  • Room 13


A class for children to learn more about their relationship with Jesus and discover if they are ready for baptism.  Typically held once a year in February. Children attending the New Believer's Class should be able to read on their own.


First Baptist Church puts the safety of all children and youth FIRST!  All adults working with children or youth will have a routine background check.

Wherever your child may be on their spiritual path, our Children Ministries provide a supportive community with a wealth of opportunities for personal growth. We aspire to strengthen each child's confidence and joy in Jesus Christ - at every point in their life, and encourage personal and spiritual growth through worship, Sunday School and other programs and outreach opportunities in our church and community.

We know that it is very hard to make a decision on finding a home church.  I invite you to visit our church with your family and allow your children to experience some of our great programs.  





  • KID'S CAMP - JULY 17-19 - $100*



school year programs


Wednesday Night Children’s Ministry Program

First Baptist offers the AWANA program on Wednesday evenings! Come experience worship, bible stories, scripture memorization, games, theme nights, Awana bucks and much more!

It is held from 6:30-8:00 for grades K-5 with the addition of a preschool class for our volunteers. Please pay $25 Awana Fee in person at FBC Augusta, KS. This fee helps cover the cost of the book, vest, awards, and snacks. Kids will receive a bag and handbook along with a vest depending on their age. Plus kids will work to earn badges and "bucks" for our store! You may register your child in the main lobby when you attend! We hope to see you there!

We communicate through the “Remind” app.  To join please text@1501awana to number 81010.

Family dinner at 5:30 PM, AWANA and MDWK at 6:30 PM.



Children practice and present a yearly program on the first Sunday in December.