Jesus Brings the Light, John 1:1-5
John 1: 1-5NLT
In the beginning the Word already existed.
The Word was with God,
and the Word was God.
2 He existed in the beginning with God.
3 God created everything through him,
and nothing was created except through him.
4 The Word gave life to everything that was created,[a]
and his life brought light to everyone.
5 The light shines in the darkness,
and the darkness can never extinguish it.[
We tend to see Jesus as only having lived just a couple of thousand years ago. In the scope of the Biblical chronology of 6-7 thousand years, there was more time before Jesus lived than since. The Word, our Bible, says that Jesus was there before the world existed. And then God created everything through Him.
Today, the light shines in the darkness, Jesus came to bring light, not physical light, He did that at creation, but to bring spiritual light into a dark world. On Christmas Eve, we light candles to simulate the light of Jesus coming into a dark world and we pass candles to receive the light that Jesus brings for us.
Isaiah has some good insights into the prevailing darkness.
· The Reality of the Present Darkness: So there is no justice among us, and we know nothing about right living. We look for light but find only darkness. We look for bright skies but walk in gloom. (59:9)
· A Promise of the Coming Light: The people who walk in darkness will see a great light. For those who live in a land of deep darkness, a light will shine. (9:2)
· A Call to trust in God: Who among you fears the Lord … If you are walking in darkness, without a ray of light, trust in the Lord and rely on your God. (50:10)
· The results of Coming to the Light: Feed the hungry and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon. (58:10)
I know that you extinguished the light from your candle last night, physically. But the light that came two thousand years ago continues in you today as you receive His salvation. It shines for those of our world that have no hope and can’t see the light. It is promised, darkness will not prevail. The choice you have been given not just on Christmas Eve, but today, Christmas Day and beyond, is to continue to allow the God given light in you to guide you to see the spiritually hungry and broken, the troubled, the sick, the widows, and the orphans. Jesus, the Word, gives life and light. Be blessed today, and ‘shine as bright as noon’ for Him.
There is an old hymn that I really love, The Light of the World. The first verse and the chorus say it all:
The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin,
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Like sunshine at noonday, His glory shone in;
The Light of the world is Jesus!
Come to the light, ’tis shining for thee;
Sweetly the light has dawned upon me;
Once I was blind, but now I can see:
The Light of the world is Jesus!
If you haven’t trusted Jesus or believed in the light, know that he bids us come.